Tony Abbott must reveal his social vision for our country
Matt Noffs The Brisbane Times December 14, 2013 ‘During Abbott's election campaign he said he wanted to be the ‘infrastructure prime minister’. But what is his view on our social infrastructure?’ Photo: Andrew Meares The Abbott government's unexpected termination of all funding to Australia's only national drug and alcohol body late last month has left the drug and alcohol treatment and prevention sector with many lingering questions. Perhaps the most important question is this: what is our social vision for Australia? Of course, with any new government, it is expected there will be reviews and changes made in line with its members' vision and pledges. Plus, having to reduce a deficit is a harsh reality for many leaders. But all we are getting are pithy one-line slogans and no plan for creating a prosperous future. Besides the absence of a clearly articulated social vision, the government's ruthless focus on the bottom line overlooks a fundamental economic principle: that there is no surer way to create national prosperity than to create social prosperity. Without a strong foundation in our community, our physical infrastructure plans are flawed. During Tony Abbott's election campaign, he said he wanted to be the ‘infrastructure prime minister’. But what is his view on our social infrastructure? To begin chopping away at core community functions is essentially chipping away at the very thing that makes Australia the richest country on earth………. The decision will cause those below the margin to suffer and will create something worse than balance sheet debt - it will increase crime and decrease our community security. There is no greater economic disadvantage than social disadvantage and, ultimately, a more peaceful and free community is a wealthier one……. Read more: